
​The Principal is the Head of the Academy, The faculty includes Lecturers and the Sports Officers. The faculty members are expert trainers in field of forestry and allied subjects and a high standard of training and education is maintained. However, specialized Guest Faculty is also invited as and when required.

The Faculty members are as follows:
S.No. Name of Faculty Year of Allotment Cadre Designation
Central Academy for State Forest Service, Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
1. Smt. Meenakshi Joshi, IFS 2000 Uttarakhand Principal
2. Shri Pradeepchandra P. Wahle, IFS 2009 AGMUT Lecturer
3. Dr T. Beula EzhilMathi, IFS 2012 Maharashtra Lecturer
4. Shri Amlendu Pathak, IFS 2013 Maharashtra Lecturer
5. Smt Abharna K.M. IFS 2013 Maharashtra Lecturer
6. Shri Ankit Gupta - - Scientist - C